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All decision-making meetings are held in public and members of the public are welcome to attend. There will be occasions when the public will be excluded and this will be made clear on the agenda in advance of the meeting, because confidential information is to be discussed.

Go to the Programme of Meetings May 2024 - April 2025

Public Notice of Meetings - October 2024

Supplementary Notice for Scrutiny Committee

To contact a committee you need to contact your local councillor directly

On 7 May 2019 Norfolk County Council moved to a Cabinet system of governance. Papers from  Committees that are no longer active are available in our  archived Committee section

Please go to our Democratic Services YouTube channel to view live meetings or access recordings of past meetings. Go to the Webcasting Protocol

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Cabinet - Forward Plan of Key Decisions

On 7 May 2019 Norfolk County Council moved to an Executive Leader and Cabinet system of governance. The Council is required to publish a forward plan of a list of key decisions to be considered by the Cabinet 28 days before the meeting. Key decisions are ones which are, but not exclusively, decisions which relate to expenditure, or the making of savings, or have a significant impact on communities.

Go to the latest key decisions, and a full definition of what a key decision is.

The latest private notice of Cabinet key decisions.

Sign up for updates from Norfolk County Council Committees.

Delegated decisions

Decisions taken by individual Cabinet Member and Executive Directors.

Current Committees

Norfolk County Council

Audit and Governance

The Audit & Governance Committee considers matters of governance, internal audit, risk management, anti-fraud and corruption, the annual statement of accounts, treasury management, external audit and supports the proper conduct of the Council's business by members.


The role of Cabinet is a) to exercise all the executive functions of the Council except to the extent that they are reserved to the full Council, exercisable by other Committees or exercisable by individual members of the Executive or Chief or other Officers under delegated powers. b) to prepare, for adoption by the Council, the budget and the plans which fall within the policy framework. c) to make recommendations to the Council on matters reserved to the Council. d) to exercise the following “local choice” function: - placing staff at the disposal of other authorities where the placement is in connection with functions exercised by the Executive e) to establish appropriate arrangements for the delivery of cross- cutting/cross departmental functions. f) to receive reports and recommendations from the Scrutiny Committee and Select Committees.

Corporate Select Committee

The Corporate Select Committee is aligned to the overall governance, resources and assets of the Council. The Committee supports the Cabinet and Council in ensuring good governance and that the resources and assets are used as efficiently and effectively as possible and that as a result the Council minimises risk, is resilient, takes advantage of opportunities arising from new technology and communicates effectively with its residents and stakeholders. The Corporate Select Committee shall also review the content and operation of the Constitution at least annually and at the request of the Council or the Chief Legal Officer, to ensure it remains fit for purpose as set out in Article 1 of the Constitution.

County Council

All 84 members of the County Council now meet seven times a year in public to set the annual budget; determine policy; approve the Constitution and any changes to it and discuss motions put forward by members of the Council .

Employment Committee

a) To be responsible for the establishment of the Chief Officer structures of the Council and advise on the appointment of the Chief Executive Officer and those officer roles defined in the appendix to the Officer Employment Procedure Rules together with pay arrangements if not in line with national negotiation procedures and current policy. This power includes the establishment of ad hoc Appointment Panels to discharge this function. b) The full Council will approve the appointment of the Chief Executive Officer following the recommendation of such an appointment by an Appointment Panel appointed for this purpose by the Employment Committee. c) To determine new material local terms and conditions of employment for employees that have a significant financial impact for the organisation or would impact on a significant part of the overall workforce as identified and advised by the Director for People and Chief Executive Officer. d) To be responsible for taking disciplinary action in respect of Chief Executive Officer, and other Chief Officers as required by legislation. This includes the establishment of ad hoc Disciplinary Action panels to discharge this function.

Health and Wellbeing Board

The Health and Wellbeing Board consists of members from the County, District/Borough and City Councils and the Clinical Commissioning Groups with a duty to encourage integrated working.

Infrastructure & Development Select Committee

The Infrastructure and Development Select Committee is aligned to the physical, geographical and economic services we provide to our residents. These services relate to the entire community both at whole County level and at neighbourhood level and take a strategic approach to prevent the fragmentation of service provision that leads to gaps or duplication of effort. The Committee supports the Cabinet and Council in its work on transport, environmental services and growing the economy to enable our residents to live in resilient, prosperous, safe and sustainable communities with the facilities and infrastructure they need.

Integrated Care Partnership

The Health and Care Act 2022 enables organisations and services to work more closely together as an Integrated Care System. This makes it is easier for the residents of Norfolk and Waveney to receive the care and support they need. Within the Integrated Care System, the Integrated Care Partnership (ICP) plays a key role to promote the close collaboration of the health and care systems across Norfolk and Waveney – by bringing together health and social care providers, local government, the voluntary, community and social enterprise (VCSE) sector, and other partners.

Norfolk Health Overview and Scrutiny Committee

The Norfolk Health Overview and Scrutiny Committee considers all matters relating to the needs, health and health related-services of the population of Norfolk. It scrutinises services that have an impact on the health of Norfolk's citizens and challenges the outcomes of interventions designed to support the health of Norfolk people.

Norfolk Joint Museums Committee

The Norfolk Joint Museums Committee is a Joint meeting set up to ensure the provision of the best and most cost effective museums service for the people of Norfolk.

Norfolk Local Access Forum

The Norfolk Local Access Forum (LAF) is a statutory committee whose role is to provide strategic advice and direction on improving recreational public access in the context of the wider factors that influence it. The Norfolk LAF is the statutory consultee on any issue, policy or planning development that has access-related elements. The LAF is made up of a variety of local people with access-related interests including countryside users and landowners/managers.

Norfolk Parking Partnership Joint Committee

Consists of one member of the County Council and one member from each of the District / Borough Councils in Norfolk and Norwich City Council, appointed by the respective Council. Its functions are laid down in a legal agreement for the Joint Provision of Civil Parking Enforcement Services.

Norfolk Police and Crime Panel

The Norfolk Police and Crime Panel has representatives of the 7 local authorities in Norfolk, co-opted members and independent members. The Panel meets at least four times a year to scrutinise the work of the Police and Crime Commissioner.

Norfolk Records Committee

The Norfolk Records Committee is a Joint meeting comprising member representatives from the County Council and the District Councils in Norfolk and also co-opted members with relevant interests.

Pensions Committee

The Pensions Committee ensures the administration and investments undertaken on behalf of the Norfolk Pension Fund complies with regulations and legislation.

People & Communities Select Committee

The People and Communities Select Committee is aligned to people orientated services which are based on individual need. These services are predominantly for children and adults but also include other services that contribute to our residents’ well-being. The Committee supports the Cabinet and Council in its work with adults and older people with disabilities; services for young people who are vulnerable and improving educational attainment together with services to improve the wellbeing of our residents such as Arts and Culture, Public Health and Adult Education.

Planning (Regulatory) Committee

The Planning (Regulatory) Committee considers applications for approvals in respect of minerals and waste and County Council developments.

Planning and Highways Delegations Committee

This Committee will exercise the following powers: (i) as County planning authority, or as Minerals and Waste planning authority, in responding to consultations (including whether to mount a legal challenge to a decision) by District Councils on major planning applications or to equivalent proposals, including nationally significant infrastructure projects & offshore proposals by other organisations; (ii) as highway authority, where the local member disagrees with the proposal from the Executive Director of Community & Environmental Services to issue a recommendation of refusal on highway grounds; (iii) as County planning authority, or as minerals and waste planning authority, in responding to District Councils on local plans at the various stages of consultation. (iv) to comment on the planning policy documents of other bodies including the Marine Management Organisation. (v) In the case of urgency, the County Council’s response will be determined by the relevant Cabinet Member.

Scrutiny Committee

The Council appoints the Scrutiny Committee from among the non-executive Members of the Council to review or scrutinise decisions made or other action taken in accordance with: a) any functions which are the responsibility of the Executive, including decisions made/actions taken directly by the Executive itself and those decisions/actions delegated to Chief Officers and individual members of the Executive; and b) any functions which are not the responsibility of the Executive.