The speed around the school has to change from 30mph to 20mph. This should just be a UK law.
If a child is hit at 30mph they are 5times more likely to be killed than at 20mph..
I myself along side another Mother have made it our duty to get this changed.
We have plenty of information, from the SAMs unit, police, videos and personal experiences that most drivers are not doing 30mph in school and out of school times.
Enough is enough.
Whilst we would like to just explain we know there are other issues around parking and so on around the school, unfortunately some of those cant be changed... this issue of speeding however can.
Ideally it would start from the top of Priory Lane (just off Castle Rising Road) it should be 20mph along with calming measures that intensify closer to the school, like speed bumps that cant be dodged around or hit at speed, This is also to slow the speed down outside of school times.
There are one or two that might think speed bumps are noisy... but the sound of a child getting knocked down and killed may haunt your ears a little longer.
Looking at what we have in close proximity we think the 20mph would then end around where Priory Lane and Manor Road meet. We have a Primary School, Nursery, Takeaway, Shops, Salons, Childminders, Dr surgery and a Village hall all in this small area of Wootton.
The children have nowhere safe to cross to and from school, we have no zebra crossings. This seems, again, common sense to keep our children safe. We want to encourage our children to walk to school but how can we when its so dangerous. They are some key places that this could be done and should be done.
Mr Grimsby, the Head Teacher at North Wootton School is also very proactive in seeing things change to keep his pupils and staff safe.
We have other encouragement from our local authorities, Beat Police Officer David Allcock
These are our ideas and we are willing to negotiate potential options but our main aim is to keep our children and your children safe.