Thurton Parish Councillors, supported by Ashby St Mary, Bergh Apton and Alpington with Yelverton Parish Councils Petition Norfolk County Council to improve safety for pedestrians and motorists on the A146 between Birch Way Thurton and Hellington Corner. The Councils are deeply concerned about the number of road traffic accidents that occur on the A146 between Thurton and Hellington Corner, and the difficulty for pedestrians to safely cross the road to reach bus stops, Thurton school, the George and Dragon Pub and the village hall and play ground.
A recent Freedom of Information Request to Norfolk Constabulary (Ref. 004354/23) confirmed that police have attended 18 road traffic accidents along this stretch of road in the last 3 years, including 4 severe injuries and one fatality.
An FOI request by the Beccles and Bungay Journal (report September 2023) showed that the Thurton speed camera (40 mph) had been triggered 2,884 times between 1st January 2019 and 31st July 2023, the highest speed recorded being 98 mph.
In the light of this information, and to try to prevent future serious injuries, we the undersigned petition Norfolk County Council to consider the following measures:
1. Reduce the current speed limits to 30 mph through Thurton Village, 40 mph at Prospect Place and 50 mph at Hellington Corner (already agreed but not implemented). These changes would fit with the Norfolk Speed Management Strategy (2023), for principal roads passing through settlements, especially those with high levels of HGV traffic.
2. Replace the pedestrian refuge in Thurton Village with a push button Pelican Crossing. The current refuge is too narrow and terrifying to use as HGVs pass in both directions at 40 mph. This is especially dangerous for parents taking children to school and older students trying to cross the road to access school bus services.
3. Prospect Place Traffic calming. It is difficult for residents to safely cross the road to reach the bus stop on the Norwich to Loddon side because of the bend in the road. In addition to reducing the speed limit, please consider a ‘SLOW’ road marking and a ‘Pedestrians Crossing’ sign before the bend on the approach from Hellington Corner.
4. Village Gateway Signs, with speed signs and painted speed roundels on the road, where the speed limits change at Birch Way and Prospect Place.
5. Solar powered lighting to the bus stop signs on both sides of the A146 at Manor Farm Thurton, Prospect Place and Hellington Corner to increase safety for pedestrians waiting at these stops in the dark.
To help implement these measures, the Parish Councils are prepared to seek funding via the Parish Partnership Initiative, the Local Member Fund and the Road Safety Community Fund whenever possible.