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Outwell and Upwell Railings

We the undersigned petition the council to remove/repair/resupply the railings/barriers along the A1101 from the Crown Public House in Outwell through to the Bridge at the Junction of Town Street and New Road Upwell.

Residents and Parish Councils of both Outwell and Upwell have been lobbying for years to have the railings removed/repaired/re-supplied. 

Highways and Middle Level claim no responsibility or ownership. It should not be put on local Parish Councils to foot the bill and take on responsibility for the public highway.

We believe the railings/barriers were installed some 70 years ago  when the road was widened slightly at the expense of Well Creek however it has been tedious to source information from such a long time ago.

They have not been maintained, they are dangerous and an eyesore to our beautiful villages.

Not Specified
Thursday, 23 November 2023
Sunday, 31 March 2024
Sarah Arden
This petition currently has 57 signatures in total.
Petition Signatories
57 electronic signatures
 Page 1 of 6, items 1 to 10 of 57.
Maureen Adlam
Scott Allen
Richard Appleby
Holly Applin
Sarah Arden - Petitioner
Abbie Ball
Julia Belcher
Gill Blandford
Steven Boughen
Pawel Bulejak
This petition has been reviewed and the following response has been offered:

West Area Highways officers have been working  with Cllr Chris Dawson, who has been leading on a resolution to this issue.  There has been in depth investigation at all levels of the Highways team into the history of the barriers, which has delivered no detail regarding responsibility of management or repair.


Having initiated this current action, Cllr. Dawson has been working closely with the Parish Councils in both Outwell and Upwell for some time to identify a way forward for this important local feature.  It was suggested that Parish Partnership and Community Infrastructure Levy (CIL) funding could be an option to improving the railings along the route outlined above. This in turn would require the respective Parish Councils to take responsibility of the asset, but would thus afford both control and management – which would include the ability to pursue claims against those responsible for damage.


There have been regular updates at Outwell Parish Council, and the matter is carried on the council’s action log.


The members of Upwell Parish Council determined not to follow this route, choosing instead other options. The members of Outwell Parish Council agreed to this being the best course of action in resolving this long-standing issue, and the only likely means of improving the current situation, which is clearly gravely detrimental to the enjoyment of the village. To this end they appointed a lead councillor to pursue and deliver, who has been liaising with Cllr. Dawson since that time.


The petition is correct in stating that the railings do not sit within the Highway or fall to the County Council as a liability.  The highway boundary has been verified as being at the top of the embankment with the posts and railings behind, although there is evidence of the embankment moving, resulting in the post and rail leaning both towards the channel or carriageway in places. This separate issue of ‘slippage’ has also been the subject of engagement between Cllr. Dawson and the respective parish councils, and its potential effect on the highway is being monitored.


Outwell Parish Council have also already been awarded a one-off funding figure via the Parish Partnership Scheme (PPS) of £25,000 and have taken responsibility for future maintenance and liability.  We understand that a funding top up via CIL may also be made and a Parish Contractor engaged to replace/repair the post and rail fence.  The County Council will continue to support the Parish with regards to traffic management requirements and permits whilst the construction works take place and we look forward to this phase of improvements being completed on the ground.


Although Upwell Parish Council chose to not make an application for funding at this time, Norfolk County Council would be most happy to consider future bids.


Cllr Dawson has also been very closely connected to conversations with both the County Council and both Parish Councils, and he continues to advise and strives to improve the village aesthetics in both Outwell and Upwell along the route of the Well Creek.   


 Page 1 of 7, items 1 to 10 of 68.
15/04/2024 13:26 SG BSU Response PublishedResponse Published
15/04/2024 13:25 SG BSU Response ApprovedResponse Published
15/04/2024 13:19 ES Team  Response Awaiting Approval
09/04/2024 14:30 SG BSU Response RejectedResponse Pending
09/04/2024 14:08 ES Team  Response Awaiting Approval
01/04/2024 05:27(System Event)Petition Closed (responder emailed requesting response)Response Pending
07/12/2023 01:31Unregistered UserPetition Signed: Julia BelcherPetition Active
01/12/2023 14:41Unregistered UserPetition Signed: Amber MayPetition Active
01/12/2023 10:23Unregistered UserPetition Signed: Rebecca MaddisonPetition Active
28/11/2023 22:09Unregistered UserPetition Signed: Steven HartleyPetition Active

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