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Make the Cromer Road & Aylsham Road bus lane a "peak time only" bus lane

Since the installation of the bus lane on the Cromer & Aylsham Roads in Norwich, there have been several road traffic collisions, numerous near accidents, reports of speeding taxis, buses not using the bus lane as they have to use half the lane from regular traffic as the bus lane isn't wide enough, buses mounting the pavement to enable buses to use the bus lane if regular traffic is queuing in their designated lane due to the bus lane not being wide enough; problems for vehicles turning into and out of side roads, problems for residents of Cromer & Aylsham Roads accessing their driveways, longer queues of traffic at the Boundary Junction, problems with the camber of the road and the new layout, problems with the signage which is misleading and causing confusion and the businesses along the Aylsham Road have seen a dramatic fall in trade as they have lost all of the on-street parking their patrons depend on.

There is no demonstrable need for this bus lane, it only saves 3 minutes on a journey into the city. Buses that serve Horsford and Hellesdon (First Buses numbers 36 & 37) do not use the Cromer Road section of this bus lane so residents of Hellesdon are suffering great inconvenience to their daily lives for no benefit to them at all.

The residents and businesses affected engaged fully with Norfolk County Council when this bus lane was consulted on and over 450 responses against the bus lane were received.

There is no need for this bus lane to operate 24 hours per day, 7 days per week.

Councillor Shelagh Gurney and myself, Councillor Lacey Douglass, are calling for the operating hours to be Monday to Saturday 7.30 am to 9.30 am only.

This will allow for the smooth running of one of the main roads into Norwich during the day, a safer environment for residents to use whether in their own vehicles or on foot, and for the businesses affected to retain the on-street parking they and their customers rely on, customers who are often elderly and with mobility issues.

Other bus lanes in Norwich operate part time (Sprowston Road, Earlham Road) and the Cromer Road & Aylsham Road bus lanes must operate part time too.

Please sign this petition in order for us to present the case for this bus lane to operate during peak times only to the Leader of Norfolk County Council, Councillor Andrew Proctor and Cabinet Member for Transport and Highways Councillor Martin Wilby.

Thank you, Cllr Shelagh Gurney & Cllr Lacey Douglass

Not Specified
Monday, 23 October 2023
Tuesday, 24 October 2023
Lacey Douglass
This petition currently has 724 signatures in total.
Petition Signatories
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Paper Petition - 724 signatures
This petition has been reviewed and the following response has been offered:

In addition to this petition, Cllr Gurney and Cllr Douglass provided further correspondence from residents outlining concerns about the operation of the bus lane at a meeting with officers in September. Officers are currently completing their review of this further correspondence and will incorporate this into the report being finalised that covers a review of the bus lane performance.

In the last few weeks, central government has announced that it will be issuing new guidance to local authorities on the hours of operation of bus lanes as part of ‘The Plan for Drivers’ strategy. This guidance will be relevant to the basis of this petition, which is requesting a change of hours of operation of the Cromer Road / Aylsham Road bus lanes. The Department for Transport has been contacted to obtain further information on this. This updated guidance from government will be considered as part of the bus lane report referred to above, which will make recommendations on whether any changes to the existing timings of the bus lane should be considered.

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14/11/2023 15:25 SG BSU Response ApprovedResponse Published
14/11/2023 09:49 ES Team  Response Awaiting Approval
07/11/2023 09:22 SG BSU Response RejectedResponse Pending
25/10/2023 10:03(System Event)Petition Closed (responder emailed requesting response)Response Pending
25/10/2023 08:34 SG BSU Approver Allocated: SGBSUResponse Pending
25/10/2023 08:34 SG BSU Responder Allocated: ESTeamAwaiting Approver Allocation
25/10/2023 08:34 SG BSU Petition ApprovedAwaiting Responder Allocation
23/10/2023 13:06 SG BSU Petition Submitted: Make the Cromer Road & Aylsham Road bus lane a "peak time only" bus lanePending Approval

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