If you have a Disclosable Pecuniary Interest in a matter to be considered at the meeting and that interest is on your Register of Interests you must not speak or vote on the matter.
If you have a Disclosable Pecuniary Interest in a matter to be considered at the meeting and that interest is not on your Register of Interests you must declare that interest at the meeting and not speak or vote on the matter
In either case you may remain in the room where the meeting is taking place. If you consider that it would be inappropriate in the circumstances to remain in the room, you may leave the room while the matter is dealt with.
If you do not have a Disclosable Pecuniary Interest you may nevertheless have an Other Interest in a matter to be discussed if it affects, to a greater extent than others in your division
- Your wellbeing or financial position, or
- that of your family or close friends
- Any body -
- Exercising functions of a public nature.
- Directed to charitable purposes; or
- One of whose principal purposes includes the influence of public opinion or policy (including any political party or trade union);
Of which you are in a position of general control or management.
If that is the case then you must declare such an interest but can speak and vote on the matter.